Monday, October 18, 2010

Books and movies

It made me happy to see that I have read and seen many of the books and movies on your lists. In an odd way it makes me feel like my weird movie and book obsession isn't too much of a waste of time. Ok so my recommendations for books are the Twilight series and the Sisterhood of the travel pants series. They have to be my favorite to read. I think it's because I don't like reaching an end to a book so reading series of books let me prolong that for a longer period of time. And my movie recommendations if you haven't seen them already would be:
My Cousin Vinny
The Shawshank Redemption
Girl, Interrupted
The Notebook (because everyone needs to get notebooked at least one in their life)
Fight Club
Cast Away
Kill Bills
Finding Nemo
And this list could probably go on forever because I have a movie obsession but i'll end it there

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