Thursday, September 16, 2010

Assignment One

The most fun I've ever had writing was with a friend writing letters to each other throughout the summer. I found it fun because we could talk about anything, put our thoughts on paper. It was also fun because you could write anything you wanted; feelings and secrets. Since I didn't have to tell them in person it made it a lot easier to express myself. Not having to worry or be nervous about seeing their reaction. It was easier to write then to actually tell them things. I enjoyed it because I could relieve my my stress in the letters by putting it into words. Also the person who was receiving my letter would reply with encouraging words and always knew how to respond in a way that could cheer me up. The reason I enjoyed writing was because it was free writing and my own where I could express my thoughts and feelings accurately on paper. It wasn't an assignment I was forced to write, it was my own writing that i wrote just for fun and thats what made it all worth while. 

1 comment:

  1. You're the only person in the history of this assignment to give me an aswer NOT related to school. I think that's so awesome that you chose letter writing. :)
