Thursday, December 16, 2010

Best part of class?

If I had to choose the best thing about this english course would be the professor. She was amazing and helpful. She is patient and always willing to go the extra mile for a student. I've become awfully fond on her and in fact plan on taking a course with her next semester. She is a lovely teacher and I don't know if I would have passed English class without her as the teacher. I'd be a shame to find out that I won't have the pleasure of having her next semester DUE TO the stupid ass VP of OCC. Dana, you better be there or I am dropping the class!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Off Track

This semester went from me thinking I could get away with half assing everything like I used to in High School. I have come to the rationalization that it's not as simple as I thought it'd be. Im getting bad grades and Im forgetting to blog and waiting till the last minute to do everything. I really hope I can somehow bring my grades up and make my grade better before the end of the semester. Which is what? A week? Im doomed! Great way to start off the college life. Im really starting to regret leaving Rutgers sometimes. All my classes make me want to rip my hair out of my head because its just so much work since I got the shit classes from signing up for them SO late in the summer. Im screwed.